Monday, September 21, 2009

Contracting is the Devil

The world is a vampire, and contracting is one of it's minions. I was taking out the trash, contemplating a move to a new house from my apartment. Suddenly it came to me, amidst the 5 mph speed limit that is not obeyed, that in this day an age, the American Dream is not found in this complex. If one were to continue down the paths of contracting, and uncertainty, life is quite gray.
How is one to live in this nouveau society of contracting, and faux servitude and not have hope? We have bred resumes that look like Swiss cheese to shore up corporate America's bottom line. Now we see record foreclosures, massive drops of credit scores and businesses failing because basic economics fail to function in our communities.
What does this all mean?
Well, if our communities, and corporations are unable to support the worker bees, we will have a very large contingent of bad attitudes and work ethics going from bad to worse. Put on a happy face! Or at least fake it a bit. Your job, and your life have never been more insecure, those are the words that will make a nation..... fail?

Monday, August 31, 2009

Dont be smart with me!

There is no room for smart people in technical support anymore. Managers arent drawn from technical groups so they resent smart people, cant develop them, and will hold them back because they lack the abilities as managers to draw this type of person out and raise their abilities. The environment that is conducive to intelligence is few and far between. Its a shame that we are unable to utilize the people tools amidst our workforce, we resent them, and then ostracize them to the point they do not want to be a part of us. Why else would you gimp an intelligent person with scripts and other nonsense rather than tapping their energy in a positive way? If I hear you are here to answer the phones again, I will barf. That is not what I get paid for. Else, why am I being talked to for not helping everyone around me? After all I am just answering the phone....

Actions dont speak louder than words.

The company I used to work for is the devil. Perhaps the Devil without a clue that is. I truly believe it has no clue in what it is doing, the venerable left hand has no idea what the right is doing. It doesn't understand its customers, employees or the vendors involved at all. I am dumbfounded as to why there is this clueless nature that is abound. The best you can do on a weekly basis is a two to four page "newsletter" that has little news and rehashes information that is stale.
Its truly amazing that they even exist or better yet don't hurt themselves on a daily basis. Its as if they on inconsequential elements rather than say making money, or making something work right. What irritates me the most, is that you can essentially fail at your job, but if you say all the right things, you are golden. Thus words are better than actions. Pretty awesome for a communications company. Perhaps they have their definition wrong, as you have to DELIVER communications, not just say the words.
Be careful of big corporate America. The sleeping giants know not what they do. They are so diverse they kill themselves. The common consumer is not prepared to deal with your silo approach to business units. They cant even withstand 15 minutes on the phone with multiple transfers to get to the right unit, in this day and age of technology making things easier, we have failed.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


A friend of mine died the other day. I was reading many of the kind words that were said about him, the lives he touched, and how he touched them. The man was a genuine person, that you wanted to call a friend. A stark contrast to another person who died recently. It’s a shame that so many people idolize the wrong element in society. My friend was a rich person, his attitude, actions and his place in our own little world saw to that.
I began thinking, that his accomplishments, not only on the bike, but in his personal life and his professional life were rewarding. They were something that would motivate oneself to do similar. I have been motivated in a similar way. I also feel disappointed that I live in Phoenix, that has none of that character, and would never reward it. I was a bit angry in thinking that geographically there are limitations as to what you can and cant do. Is this realistic in this day and age? Do communities hobble themselves to the point that greatness cant be achieved?
I began thinking that why should I be limited because I live in Phoenix? My personality runs many ways, but for the most part I don’t worry much, much like my friend. He is one to act upon what he can and let the chips fall as they may. In the same sense that to this day, chance meetings, or limited contact with him is far greater than any contact I have ever had in my professional life.
Unfortunately I look at what makes up my community and I see the lacking. The people and the activities that are important to me, the elements, the environment, and what transpires is not really held to a standard. Perhaps it could start with me, holding it to a standard, and for others to see that it is worthwhile to desire more, and expect more. I look on my wall and see awards that I have won, jerseys that I have worn and wonder if it could be more. I wonder what I could be, if I could put a bit more energy into my life. What I could be if I could live past the excuses that bind me. I don’t believe that anyone can say they have put 100% into anything. You ask an Olympic Champion, a marathon winner, or anyone that has accomplished anything of some magnitude, and you will find they could have done better. That achievement is limitless.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I tried to define happiness. I had come up with a few things, objects or feelings that make you happy. Many of the things that I came up with were materialistic. While they make one happy, its not real. Even being a little depressed, happiness is something to strive for. I realized though that to be happy, you must make a concerted effort to be happy, you don't just become happy, you do things, you believe things, you have a specific state of mind that puts you in a happy mood.
Rather than dreading another day, whether at work, going to the dmv, dealing with something not so appealing, you have to say to yourself, "I want to be happy, I want to have a nice day." One thing in a day shouldn't be a deal breaker. It's one thing. We shouldn't be so disappointed in life that one thing makes you unhappy. We are totally focused on the wrong things, and should re-evaluate. If you try to be happy at work, try to have a positive focus even, and not allow that one experience, that one element affect you, it should be a simple process to have good, happy days at your job. I imagine we can identify those around us with a negative attitude and how it impacts everyone around. Smiles are usually infectious, too many negatives in the environment weighs them down.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Being Supportive

"Behind every great man there is an even greater woman" Unknown.
Amazingly this was adopted as a woman's right slogan in the 70's and even today sometimes its roles are reversed. Rarely. I am not writing to say that men need to support women because there is a lack of that. I believe there is a wholesale lack of support of anyone anywhere.
Perhaps we need to look at these ideals, so that we can strengthen not only our marriages, relationships and work partnerships. The I am number one attitude can only go so far in this world until it takes a concerted effort to reach a goal. Then that I am number 1 attitude is an anchor. There can only be a single number 1, groups that have multiple number one's fail.
There comes many times, where one person can achieve greatness with the help of others. There comes many more times where a group can achieve greatness because the help of one, or even many. I think we get caught up in doing our own thing, and cant even spare a few minutes for another person. It really is a shame that it may take an hour of your time each week to help someone achieve greatness, or let alone a goal in their life, but we cant even get off our asses to help out.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Media Theory

You may not be able to tell, but I don't like where I live at. I would rather be some place else as I believe the area is severely lacking in so many ways that it would take months to describe them all. Hmmm that would be a great blog in itself. However I digress.
I try to read news and information from a number of places. My local newspaper is very lacking since it has no competition, and the competition it did have was itself. There is a competing newspaper but its circulation and content has issues as well. So as I was reading the LA Times on Tuesday I came across a business article by Tom Petruno. LA TIMES Article

After reading this article, not because I am interested in the "Carry Trade" or higher finance, but I was astounded that my newspaper has never carried an article like this. Luckily I know when the next Toastmasters is going to be. And you know how people are, not many share, and very few communicate reasonably. Maybe I need to go to Toastmasters, although I can do fine giving a speech. Maybe I can instill the need to communicate better.

So there is a need to communicate better. I started communicating with my wife, and she hates me even more now. I communicated with a couple of co-workers today about this. I asked them a few questions. First I asked if they lived in a small town. I asked if they read the newspaper in the small town (or outside the city limits, they didnt get the joke). I asked them if they felt informed via the newspaper in the small town or the big city. Then I sprang the link above on them. None of them had ever seen anything like that in any newspaper they frequent.

One person I asked was from Albuquerque. Short of the obituaries and sports, the newspaper was useless, except for maybe cushioning glassware in boxes as you move away. He was astounded that a much larger city might be getting better information, and developing to a different level based on the media that was frequented.

I spoke with another person that has lived in New York City, Portland and a few other large and small places. He too had not seen anything like this in a newspaper. He was curious though, that if the newspaper was targeted correctly. I agreed with him in that our local newspaper was lost. That the LA Times wasnt necessarily a godsend, but it did represent something more that a newspaper could be.

I spoke with another person that came from a much smaller town of around 50,000. She said that she felt more in touch with the community based on her local paper. She felt more informed by the big city paper. This made a certain sense to me. In a small town, the paper should pull residents together, in a social way.

I had begun to theorize though. I was feeling that certain markets are blessed by the media within them. They can afford better minds to develop stories, investigate and provide information that will propel the masses. There is much more to the whole theory, in that providing the community with a quality product helps the community greatly. If the community is short changed, it doesn't develop well at all. I look at Phoenix as an example. I ventured a guess that more than likely half the population is unreachable by the major news media. A combination of a language barrier, english comprehension and penetration. When such a significant portion of your population is ill informed, major problems arise. If there is not a steady flow of information to the residents, in cripples the city.

I look to college campuses as a great example of how everything is so well entwined. Although it might not be a fair example, the college writing does tie the reader to the local community. You see more informed people, more participation and an overall better feeling that is generated. As people understand the environment around them good things can happen.

Monday, April 13, 2009

High Fructose Corn Syrup

As more and more studies are released, High Fructose Corn Syrup is quickly being shown as a detriment to the American diet. One statistic that I saw that our consumption of products rose over 1000%, yes that is ONE THOUSAND PERCENT in the last 20 years. In that same time period our average weights increased over 20 pounds as well. I realize that it is easy to say that our consumption rose as more and more products are using High Fructose Corn Syrup within them. Our soda consumption has rose as well. With the advent of energy drinks that contain not only High Fructose Corn Syrup, but other types of sugar such as glucose, sucralose and other hidden ingredients we have to wonder what we are doing to our bodies.

Within my workplace they are trying to ban wireless headsets so that we are tied to our desks. We can drink tap water, which is horrendous in this building because the pipes are over 30 years old. The vending machines only have soda. The snack machines are predominantly junk food and high in sugar. The funny thing is that they have graphics stating where the calories come from. They are excited that they dont come from fat. Instead they come from sugar. We are under a barrage of sugar. For some they are on a sugar rush all day, with cigarettes, coffee and fast food in their diet. The workplace does nothing for them. Especially since we are all contractors we have no insurance or support of any type.

Now I have heard of workplaces that try to infuse a healthy work environment. I have even heard of some that have treadmills and computers so that you can walk and work at the same time. I would love to experience that. I have a few pounds to lose and would love the encouragement, rather than having no choices. Granted we all have choices in the workplace. We can bring our own food, snacks, drinks and the like. But when the culture around you is poor, what type of worker does it create? I have heard many mornings, where workers come in hopped up on some energy drink. It is amazing how fast they talk, and how short their attention span is. By the end of they day they cant wait to leave, they are pretty useless, taking less calls, able to solve fewer problems, and frustration is high.

I wonder what would happen to a workgroup if they were encouraged to be healthier together. If they were managed in a health conscious way. If they were frustrated that intervention would occur, and a break would ensue. If they were provided healthy foods, encouraged a healthy diet away from work, and have a fitness regimen that they were not only encouraged to follow, that the competition from coworkers drew them in and they complied. I wonder if this positive experience would improve the quality of work as well.

Low Prices

Low prices win over customers, but don't retain them. Customer service is the single thing that will retain a customer properly. If you have to lower your prices to keep customers then something is wrong. There are few businesses that people solely shop on price only.
I have run several stores where prices were the only draw. The product wasn't any better, in fact it was inferior in some cases. We would have boxes of returned broken equipment. Price was good, but many times we would hear that they would pay more for quality. When we had repeat customers, it was because of us. When we treated someone right, paid attention, and went that extra mile, we built our customer base. When you lie, aren't genuine, or don't try very hard, you are going to fail. People see right through it.
If you have an expert in your business, build that person's people skills up so they can be your go to person. If you have technical products, definitely do this, people want that contact, that avenue so that they can solve their difficult problems. If this person trickles his knowledge down by creating training manuals, or simply issuing memos everyone benefits. In this day, expertise is a huge selling point. Also remember that this is the age of the informed buyer, they would rather make an informed choice, so having resident experts is a good thing.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


We must be the change that we want to see in this world - Mahatma Gandhi. Probably not the best business acumen out there. But, when posed with the proper situation, or perhaps motivation, could we not be that instigator of change that makes a difference? We all can look back on a situation and say if we did that one thing we may not have gotten into this mess. Maybe its a number of things. Maybe we shouldn't be so afraid to make suggestions. Maybe others should listen to all the information before they make a decision. Here I go again with Utopian ideals. Shame on me. Was Gandhi always speaking of utopia? I think not.
Supporting a process, or even facilitating it in some way that can allow change in your own world can be a good thing. If we don't open ourselves up to allow good to happen, to instigate things that may lead us to a more better world, or a more comfortable cubicle we cant expect to see an improved world. Think what you will, voting for change may not be enough. It takes more than that. Sure it might even take sacrifice. It may not even take that.
To be leaders, even for a few minutes, we have to buy in, or accept that change that we believe in. Status quo requires no buy in. There is this term called Kaizen. The Japanese teach this a improvement, or continuous improvement in business school. In order to improve, we have to change. To continuously improve, would take continuous change. Much like a Rubic's cube, you have to move the tiles a lot to get to the solution. In life, in business, we have to move those tiles a lot to get to a solution as well. However, if you move those tiles just for the sake of moving, you get the same Rubic's cube.
Some solutions we don't come upon until we get a few tiles moved. But ideally we should have an idea of where to move the tiles to get some progress. Education is that doorway that allows you to better plan those movements. You still may not know the solution, but you can make better decisions along the way because we are better equipped to process the information. As I have become better educated, or more knowledgeable about any subject, my ability to deal with solutions has improved greatly. Those decisions that I know little about, still haunt me. Those that don't support education, are impaired, as in they do not see the value in equipping ourselves to be better, more informed people. Those same people are less able to deal with change, and less able to create solutions. An education creates alternate pathways to enlightenment.

Olympic Spirit

Pierre de Coubertin made the statement that "The important thing is not to win, but to take part" is one way to describe the Olympic Spirit. But it is much more. The Olympics, and the Olympic Spirit is about ideals, about striving for more, knowing that its out there, and being proud of what you have accomplished, but also being part of something that defines you and generations around you.

I have had the Olympic Spirit for a very long time. In some shape or form, it is something that has driven me, and some of my endeavors. Just seeing the Olympics on TV is a moving experience to me, its a bit hard to describe the feeling that I have. Back in the 1980's I was inspired to start cycling, and saw the 1984 Olympics on TV. I wish that I was there to see it first hand. Since then it was my dream to compete in the Olympics, to represent the USA.

In 1988 I attended the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This was a very unique experience for me. I had never really been away from home, to the altitude, cold weather - really to any of it. I really had no idea what I was doing. I just tried to ride my bike the best that I could given the situation. I progressed a little from there, at home that is. I did ok in races, but never excelled to the level I held myself to. To this day I still do not know what I can achieve.
In the early 90's I did fairly well, but I still hadn't figured out exactly what it was that I was doing, how to achieve my goals, or how to excel. I won alot of local races, won a few things in California, had alot of fun with many good memories. Raced against Armstrong, LeMond, Grewal, Nothstein and many others that were Olympic Champions and that much more sometime in their careers.

In 2006 I was starting to get in shape fairly well for the coming race season. I had been doing ok previous years, but nothing really to write home about. A win here or there, many excellent top finishes. Then it happened. I was riding on a Saturday morning with the local group, and I couldnt stay with them. Just two weeks prior I had finished in the top ten of a race in California, had raced in the Pro event even and was ok, for an early season race that is.

It was weird. To go from this level one week, and then all of a sudden have no fitness. I started gaining weight rapidly, while training 200 or so miles per week. I went to a doctor who recommended seeing a endocrinologist after some routine blood tests. At first this joke of a doctor said that I was too sedentary, my diet was wrong and that was the reason for my lack of performance. When I informed him of his errors, (I should have called him an idiot there) we looked into my issue a bit further. After an ultrasound of my neck, based on abnormalities in my blood test we thought we had discovered some issues with my thyroid. I had a feeling in my neck beforehand with this pressure against my esophagus, which he played off as nothing. I have to point out, I know my body better than 99 percent of the people out there that think they are athletes. Its not bragging, I just have learned over the years that I have to listen to my engine, its feedback is very important.

I had a biopsy done on the growth found in the ultrasound, and it came back as questionable, the biopsy wasn't done very well, and another probably was a good idea. Now mind you, a biopsy of this sort is difficult to do, and sometimes multiple tries are necessary to get proper mass to study. However in this case, other endocrinologists would interpret this data otherwise, and recommend to follow up as if I had cancer. I went to another endocrinologist because I was fed up with my first doctor. This doctor interpreted my results, did another ultrasound, and that day pushed me out the door to a surgeon. No fooling around or anything.

January 2007 I had my first surgery, and if the results came back quick enough, I wouldn't have had a second. I had Thyroid Cancer. It was the answer to the 60+ pounds that I have gained, poor performance, and feeling rather poorly. So I was told, this was the cancer to have due to the cure rate. That is total nonsense. Not in that it isn't curable. It's that as an active person, THYCA turns your life upside down. You are on synthetic hormones for the rest of your life. Most doctors treat you based on a blood test, not how you feel, not on your wants and needs, and none of them have a clue how to deal with an athlete. They look at you like you jog a mile and think nothing of it. They absolutely don't understand what it takes to ride 100 miles, or to compete against Olympic and Professional caliber talent. When I was at a reasonable fitness I was 5'10 or so and weighed 142-145 pounds. I could leg press an incredible amount of weight and had a VO2MAX somewhere near 90.

Now I weigh over 200 pounds, and I wont take some doctor telling me that because I am 40 years old that is what I should expect. I refuse to believe that I am medicated right. And I refuse to believe my life, and my athletic career is done.

Now see, the Olympic Spirit is a little different for everyone. Mostly it is this thing inside that drives you. My name isn't Armstrong, or something famous. It doesn't have to be.
On the left is a picture from the 2008 Tour of California. On the right side of the picture is one Mario Cipollini, 40 years old in 2008. This is an International level Pro race. This isnt a sprint for 68th place, it is for the win. Age doesnt matter, ask Thurlow Rogers, (placed 3rd 2008 Elite US National Road Championships against riders half his age).

We all can learn something from the Olympics, and the so called Olympic Spirit. Don't call it an obsession, it's nothing of the sort for me. Some obsession are good though, so don't discount that. We need something to drive us, to drive our cities, our communities and even our workplaces. That is why I say we can learn something here.

Unfortunately many of the cities we live in do not exemplify any spirit let alone an Olympic Spirit. Most of the places we work would have a hard time pulling together a softball team. In fact the place I work at you couldn't pull three people together that would walk around the block let alone jog. That is disappointing.

I write this with no intentions. I wish these words would inspire someone to do a bit more. I have said the word utopia before, that is something you dream of. I would love to see people at least a bit more supportive of one another. When I had cancer, I got one get well card from my coworkers. At the end of the month I was fired. This country, our workplaces, our neighborhoods have many good if not great people. We wouldn't know, we cant even wait for them to pull out of their parking space to get out of our way. Certainly, that isn't anything to be proud of.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

MBA Lite

I had posted my blog two days ago and found it quite funny. Not the blog, but the advertisement next to my posting. I really need to work on my humor I guess. I found it rather ironic that I just got posting about how different a real MBA is, and there next to my post was an advertisement for the University of Phoenix. I had a very good laugh, no really I did.

You see, I speak from experience. I have a degree from University of Phoenix. I even started their MBA program until the typical paperwork issue came up and my student loans fell through. I have never been hired based on my degree. I have never gotten a better pay scale because of my degree. I think I have actually been thrown to the bottom of the pile because of my degree. Hindsight is always 20/20. My degree is worthless. The initial lesson here is that shortcuts, and simple degrees do not a person make.

I am an incredibly skilled person, I was willing to pay my dues in the workplace. I realized that my education was important and at the time I weighed many options that seemed to be viable. I turned to UoP thinking that its an accredited college and their marketing would lead you to believe that their degree is as good as any. I put in my best effort and graduated with nearly a 4.0 average. Its what you make of it, right?

While I agree, a degree, or anything else for that matter is what you make of it. I never have had the chance to really prove myself, and what I can do. My degree doesn't open the right doors so that one that cares can see me shine. Having the right background, degree, jobs and the like opens those doors, essentially proving that you put the effort in, and you are a good risk.

Unfortunately, I think that many see these degrees from Colleges and Universities like UoP, WIU, and many other schools as shortcuts. I can see their reasoning. If you are unwilling to take on the process of a proper education, how should I view you as a worker? I think we can take a look at businesses around us and see what the proper effort does. Many businesses are failing because we have this short attention span, get to the end nature that is fueled by everything around us. Could this be why our economy is so poor right now? You can also see what shortcuts do as well. I have seen many Doctor and Dentist offices fail because they know little about business and then turn to the wrong person.

Don't be afraid to pay your dues. Complete the work necessary to make yourself a well rounded individual. A Swiss army knife of a worker. We should all be able to spell, write, add, subtract and speak clearly as this is not only a reflection upon ourselves but our company as well. Those that do this the best, with the background behind them, will succeed. Yes there are those exceptions. But get real, out of 400 million people you are going to pick one person? Not very good odds that you are creating for yourself.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Business Attire

I don't really mean for this to be a group of rants, or an angry diatribe. It is really far from that. Sometimes I aim to point out the ludicrous and insane things we come across in day to day business life. Perhaps by pointing things out, we can learn from the situation and not make the same mistakes as others. I always aim for that myself, I don't have to commit the same mistake in order to learn from the situation or figure out a way I could do it better. I even stop and think while I am at a restaurant of improvements and the like.

Last week it was emphasized that an upper VP would be visiting our building on Tuesday. We were to wear proper clothes, business casual or better. They wanted the workplace to come off as more professional. Now, I completely agree that places of business should have a professional atmosphere. Doing good at whatever it is that we do is very important, and being dressed right, or even smiling properly is a step in the right direction.

I'm sorry, but to make this particular workplace come off in a better light we would have to improve in so many ways that it is unfathomable. If it were me I would have passed judgment on the place before I even stepped foot in the building. I have a problem when I see 50 people in front of a building smoking, sitting on top of picnic benches, littering and the like. We put our logo on a building to represent, but having things like this go on outside the building does not paint a very good picture. For some, if you think about it, they would think that whatever is going on within the building is so stressful that the employees have to smoke outside, it is creating stressed out people.

There is so much more that the workplace represents, that simply requiring people wear proper attire on Tuesday is laughable. Half the employees would have trouble spelling attire. This is not an affront on stupid people. Upon review of their work product you see simple spelling errors. Regularly we see information from other parts of the company and you cant, but stop and think of what we are viewed as. There is so many elements of our day to day business life that illustrate what type of employee we are. Our ability to communicate is first and foremost. Yes, attire does communicate, but there are many many things that communicate for us that we fail to control and it reflects quite poorly.

Now, here is the kicker. We are supposed to dress properly for this bigwig. We don't even know his or her name! I would be more offended that I couldn't be recognized properly than someone wearing an improper pair of shoes. If the place of business was serious about what they were doing, things like this would not occur. We are to dress properly to show respect, but I would think that not knowing the person's name is the utmost in disrespect. To even think that other important people visit, and we are unable to pay them proper respect is not exactly good.

My point that I hope I made, is that we need to pay attention to details, all of them in fact. They all paint a picture of what you do and what you represent. If a company truly cared, those smokers would not be at the front door. The grounds would be immaculate, and there would be a sense of pride that drove the workplace to be professional, rather than being asked on Tuesday to wear the right shirt.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Doing Good

Doing good

As I sit here I wonder the answer to this question: is good being done somewhere right now?

At times I wonder if this phenomena that I believe I witness out west is just something specific to the area. But I see it everywhere I go. It troubles me greatly; in fact it makes me angry. Not necessarily that good isn’t being sent my way. I don’t think that it’s possible to go through life with only good. It wouldn’t make much for life. Without pain there is not much value in what we work for.

Doing good or being good doesn’t require a religious aspect or background. You may pass judgment on me for a lack of a religious background. Would you pass judgment on a person that does good in their life that does not share in your beliefs? Have we reserved a place in society for those that do good only to be religious or to have that connotation? Why must the act of performing a good deed for someone have any connotation?

My thought isn’t of utopia. It is nothing of the sort. I am just dismayed in the way society has become. I pledge to open my eyes in hope to see others performing good. I pledge to look for others doing that little bit more to help their neighbors, their fellow people. My only problem is that the bad outweighs the good.

I can’t help but think what the person that won’t allow you to merge onto the freeway is really like. The person that yells at a customer service person on the phone, is that a good person? The person that cant simply hold a door open, do they have compassion or is it all a ruse? If we pay attention to the persona that is presented, is that true to form? Should we be troubled that we are unable to be kind to our fellow human beings?

There needs to be no motivation by fear of consequences. Likewise, a payback for what you do shouldn’t be expected either. However, if a little more good is done in this world, or just our own little comfort area we inhabit, wouldn’t that be payback enough to warrant being a better person? Just think how much more enjoyable a day is because we are little less frustrated, or see an extra smile.

Trust me in this, these thoughts, or request for action have no basis in getting you to volunteer at a hospital, or pull your neighbors weeds. Yes the weeds are not going to pull themselves. If your inspiration is to rid the world of weeds do so, however if your good deed for the day is to pick up a piece of trash, or to assist someone with a problem, or a kind word that may be enough to make a difference in just one persons day. If the one thing you take away from reading this is that the smallest change, the smallest action is taken or even to open ones eyes to good happening and build upon that, we will benefit eventually. We need a little bit more good in this world.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

MBA School

So I received an email this week from the WP Carey MBA Program at Arizona State University and thought it would be a good idea to attend a free preview that they were providing on Saturday morning. I was glad that I attended. Not only did I gain info in regards to attending graduate school I learned about myself and others. I have pages of notes from a simple morning meeting, with many great thoughts and impressions.

My initial thought that I wrote down was that everyone is essentially here (MBA Introduction) for a common goal - helping others. They may be gaining skills that through their own efforts they help others. They may be aiding a business. Or largely they are gaining skills that they will apply directly. I think I can safely say that all of the attendees wanted to be there to expand their knowledge, and that has a trickle down effect of helping everyone around them. I really wanted to believe that those that end their education early, short everyone around them by not continuing to evolve so that their efforts do not become stagnant, but this is to much of a blanket accusation. We simply can't label those that do not seek to progress a burden on those that do.

I decided to go to this MBA introduction because I have an agenda that I want to follow. I was fearing that there would be a limited amount of support that would allow me to develop my agenda, and to gain knowledge that would allow me to fully flush out what it is I desire from it. I was also fearing that the curriculum would be heavy on statistics, or other information outside my agenda as well. I found however that the desires of the school were far from traditional. Although many companies are not desiring a heavy emphasis on team learning anymore, they are starting to seek thought leadership.

I found that Thought Leadership was an interesting concept. My own agenda could leverage from this concept. My own agenda is to look at a sociology aspect to business management, and to leverage proper synergy in the workplace to advance it. Thought Leadership in a Information Technology field where workers are their own islands would be an interesting bridge to emphasize a need for workers to leverage their co-workers knowledge to heighten productivity. What led me down this path is the word genius.

I have taken almost all of the curriculum that is part of a teacher certification program. We have dealt with special needs children, gifted children, emotionally problematic children and many other categories. While many focused on the difficulties, what struck me is that very few if anyone wanted to capitalize on the strengths that are found in everyone. We want to fix the negatives. I came to the conclusion that there is genius in everyone.

Now, driving down the freeway you would swear this isnt true, that person that cut you off is certainly not a genius. Perhaps sarcastically they are. But my thought is that no matter what or who you are, there is a hidden or not so hidden genius that is there. We may only find one thing, or multiple. However, there is always something there, something that we can say that we perform better than others. As teachers it should be our effort to find that genius, and embrace it, to cultivate it and to leverage it to make a person a stronger more confident pupil.

By getting an MBA we want to have a competitive advantage. To be more marketable. If we focus on what we are good at, what we are a genius at, we too are more marketable. In the workplace, a group of geniuses can do great things. In school, or in society a group of geniuses can also do great things. Perhaps the best lesson anyone can learn is to unleash that genius and make it work for us.