Wednesday, April 8, 2009


We must be the change that we want to see in this world - Mahatma Gandhi. Probably not the best business acumen out there. But, when posed with the proper situation, or perhaps motivation, could we not be that instigator of change that makes a difference? We all can look back on a situation and say if we did that one thing we may not have gotten into this mess. Maybe its a number of things. Maybe we shouldn't be so afraid to make suggestions. Maybe others should listen to all the information before they make a decision. Here I go again with Utopian ideals. Shame on me. Was Gandhi always speaking of utopia? I think not.
Supporting a process, or even facilitating it in some way that can allow change in your own world can be a good thing. If we don't open ourselves up to allow good to happen, to instigate things that may lead us to a more better world, or a more comfortable cubicle we cant expect to see an improved world. Think what you will, voting for change may not be enough. It takes more than that. Sure it might even take sacrifice. It may not even take that.
To be leaders, even for a few minutes, we have to buy in, or accept that change that we believe in. Status quo requires no buy in. There is this term called Kaizen. The Japanese teach this a improvement, or continuous improvement in business school. In order to improve, we have to change. To continuously improve, would take continuous change. Much like a Rubic's cube, you have to move the tiles a lot to get to the solution. In life, in business, we have to move those tiles a lot to get to a solution as well. However, if you move those tiles just for the sake of moving, you get the same Rubic's cube.
Some solutions we don't come upon until we get a few tiles moved. But ideally we should have an idea of where to move the tiles to get some progress. Education is that doorway that allows you to better plan those movements. You still may not know the solution, but you can make better decisions along the way because we are better equipped to process the information. As I have become better educated, or more knowledgeable about any subject, my ability to deal with solutions has improved greatly. Those decisions that I know little about, still haunt me. Those that don't support education, are impaired, as in they do not see the value in equipping ourselves to be better, more informed people. Those same people are less able to deal with change, and less able to create solutions. An education creates alternate pathways to enlightenment.

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