Monday, April 13, 2009

Low Prices

Low prices win over customers, but don't retain them. Customer service is the single thing that will retain a customer properly. If you have to lower your prices to keep customers then something is wrong. There are few businesses that people solely shop on price only.
I have run several stores where prices were the only draw. The product wasn't any better, in fact it was inferior in some cases. We would have boxes of returned broken equipment. Price was good, but many times we would hear that they would pay more for quality. When we had repeat customers, it was because of us. When we treated someone right, paid attention, and went that extra mile, we built our customer base. When you lie, aren't genuine, or don't try very hard, you are going to fail. People see right through it.
If you have an expert in your business, build that person's people skills up so they can be your go to person. If you have technical products, definitely do this, people want that contact, that avenue so that they can solve their difficult problems. If this person trickles his knowledge down by creating training manuals, or simply issuing memos everyone benefits. In this day, expertise is a huge selling point. Also remember that this is the age of the informed buyer, they would rather make an informed choice, so having resident experts is a good thing.

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