Tuesday, April 7, 2009

MBA Lite

I had posted my blog two days ago and found it quite funny. Not the blog, but the advertisement next to my posting. I really need to work on my humor I guess. I found it rather ironic that I just got posting about how different a real MBA is, and there next to my post was an advertisement for the University of Phoenix. I had a very good laugh, no really I did.

You see, I speak from experience. I have a degree from University of Phoenix. I even started their MBA program until the typical paperwork issue came up and my student loans fell through. I have never been hired based on my degree. I have never gotten a better pay scale because of my degree. I think I have actually been thrown to the bottom of the pile because of my degree. Hindsight is always 20/20. My degree is worthless. The initial lesson here is that shortcuts, and simple degrees do not a person make.

I am an incredibly skilled person, I was willing to pay my dues in the workplace. I realized that my education was important and at the time I weighed many options that seemed to be viable. I turned to UoP thinking that its an accredited college and their marketing would lead you to believe that their degree is as good as any. I put in my best effort and graduated with nearly a 4.0 average. Its what you make of it, right?

While I agree, a degree, or anything else for that matter is what you make of it. I never have had the chance to really prove myself, and what I can do. My degree doesn't open the right doors so that one that cares can see me shine. Having the right background, degree, jobs and the like opens those doors, essentially proving that you put the effort in, and you are a good risk.

Unfortunately, I think that many see these degrees from Colleges and Universities like UoP, WIU, and many other schools as shortcuts. I can see their reasoning. If you are unwilling to take on the process of a proper education, how should I view you as a worker? I think we can take a look at businesses around us and see what the proper effort does. Many businesses are failing because we have this short attention span, get to the end nature that is fueled by everything around us. Could this be why our economy is so poor right now? You can also see what shortcuts do as well. I have seen many Doctor and Dentist offices fail because they know little about business and then turn to the wrong person.

Don't be afraid to pay your dues. Complete the work necessary to make yourself a well rounded individual. A Swiss army knife of a worker. We should all be able to spell, write, add, subtract and speak clearly as this is not only a reflection upon ourselves but our company as well. Those that do this the best, with the background behind them, will succeed. Yes there are those exceptions. But get real, out of 400 million people you are going to pick one person? Not very good odds that you are creating for yourself.

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