Sunday, April 5, 2009

Doing Good

Doing good

As I sit here I wonder the answer to this question: is good being done somewhere right now?

At times I wonder if this phenomena that I believe I witness out west is just something specific to the area. But I see it everywhere I go. It troubles me greatly; in fact it makes me angry. Not necessarily that good isn’t being sent my way. I don’t think that it’s possible to go through life with only good. It wouldn’t make much for life. Without pain there is not much value in what we work for.

Doing good or being good doesn’t require a religious aspect or background. You may pass judgment on me for a lack of a religious background. Would you pass judgment on a person that does good in their life that does not share in your beliefs? Have we reserved a place in society for those that do good only to be religious or to have that connotation? Why must the act of performing a good deed for someone have any connotation?

My thought isn’t of utopia. It is nothing of the sort. I am just dismayed in the way society has become. I pledge to open my eyes in hope to see others performing good. I pledge to look for others doing that little bit more to help their neighbors, their fellow people. My only problem is that the bad outweighs the good.

I can’t help but think what the person that won’t allow you to merge onto the freeway is really like. The person that yells at a customer service person on the phone, is that a good person? The person that cant simply hold a door open, do they have compassion or is it all a ruse? If we pay attention to the persona that is presented, is that true to form? Should we be troubled that we are unable to be kind to our fellow human beings?

There needs to be no motivation by fear of consequences. Likewise, a payback for what you do shouldn’t be expected either. However, if a little more good is done in this world, or just our own little comfort area we inhabit, wouldn’t that be payback enough to warrant being a better person? Just think how much more enjoyable a day is because we are little less frustrated, or see an extra smile.

Trust me in this, these thoughts, or request for action have no basis in getting you to volunteer at a hospital, or pull your neighbors weeds. Yes the weeds are not going to pull themselves. If your inspiration is to rid the world of weeds do so, however if your good deed for the day is to pick up a piece of trash, or to assist someone with a problem, or a kind word that may be enough to make a difference in just one persons day. If the one thing you take away from reading this is that the smallest change, the smallest action is taken or even to open ones eyes to good happening and build upon that, we will benefit eventually. We need a little bit more good in this world.

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