Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I tried to define happiness. I had come up with a few things, objects or feelings that make you happy. Many of the things that I came up with were materialistic. While they make one happy, its not real. Even being a little depressed, happiness is something to strive for. I realized though that to be happy, you must make a concerted effort to be happy, you don't just become happy, you do things, you believe things, you have a specific state of mind that puts you in a happy mood.
Rather than dreading another day, whether at work, going to the dmv, dealing with something not so appealing, you have to say to yourself, "I want to be happy, I want to have a nice day." One thing in a day shouldn't be a deal breaker. It's one thing. We shouldn't be so disappointed in life that one thing makes you unhappy. We are totally focused on the wrong things, and should re-evaluate. If you try to be happy at work, try to have a positive focus even, and not allow that one experience, that one element affect you, it should be a simple process to have good, happy days at your job. I imagine we can identify those around us with a negative attitude and how it impacts everyone around. Smiles are usually infectious, too many negatives in the environment weighs them down.

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