Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Arise Virtual - and the virtual pay.

Due to the economy many are taking jobs in any way that they can. Work at home is a great solution, but with so many scams out there, you have to be careful and filter out the nonsense which can be hard, there are pros out there that aim to fool you.

Arise Virtual solutions is a company out of Florida that offers many jobs, and you, through your own business, and in no other way contract through them in a B2B method to perform work as a contractor for them. Recently their business practices are deteriorating - is the best way to describe it. Normally a business has many contact methods, and is responsive to the needs of those who deal with it. Accounting, support, and other needs are usually dealt with in a rapid manner since it is in their best interests. As you can imagine, Arise is slipping in those aspects.

It is believed, through my own experience, and with confirmation of others, that they are purposely shorting checks, $10 here, $20 there, and now upwards to hundreds. Accounting is impossible to reach, so you have to put a "trouble ticket" in so that your needs can be met at their leisure. I have worked tech support for 12-15 years now, and I have never, ever lost a data base or entry in a data base without purposely entering into the system, into sql and removing it. Arise loses tickets daily, that is amazing. So your accounting or other issue gets lost on purpose, allowing Arise to sneak off with your money. The longer you are not dealt with, they get to work with your money further, in hopes that you give up and they keep it. Hmmm, is that fraud, or just plain thievery?

The troops are getting angry now, and with this week invoices have yet to be released, with pay being withheld or incorrect Christmas is not so jolly for some. What a way to get the best out of your people. How does that go? Take care of your people and they will move mountains?

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